
Tuesday, 8 January 2013

fear 2 :spoken and written words

Some things that i see or go through in the course of the day in my stay on this earth as an earthling, i say it like this(as in earthling) because we really don't know who stands or walks beside, ahead or behind us thanks to the shit loads of American movies we watch. On movies funny i have to admit that there is but one movie that really gets to me in a way no other has; REMEMBER THE TITANS by Denzel Washington, from the first time i watched this movie that has to be like early 2006. Tears have always fell down and before you say anything else...yes i do sob but controllably and not the other way round!! there you have it thats my Favorite of all time in movies because it taught on how to love, how to live and also how to say what you feel regardless to whom the words are directed to!! safe to say that that is my take on the movie!!
let me drift back to my initial intention as to my stroking of these keys on my board all through to you via the great WWW...
Some things we go through, hear or say tend to bring out a certain feeling either of joy or sorrow or sometimes both intertwined in tandem in all or some of us!! In my case i tend to assume that i ever saw, did or say to anyone that brought a negative response to the people intended to reach!!Reason to assuming all this is due to the fact that i being a human or safe to say Earthling have been built in a way that admitting and submitting to occurrences and consequences is somehow Lame and Naive. Pretense is humans greatest way of life.
Does this explain the fact that we/ I run to liqour or drugs so that we can be able to face some people or situations like i should??or get super drunk when something Bad happens to me, all in a quest to drown my sorrows and get over it???
i dont understand, dont know and probably 1 of the questions that i havent figured an answer to yet but one thing i remember is that there is a time in my life that i never used to drink alcohol or indulge in weed smoking and i was cool still.
i easily get affected by words; spoken or written but mostly spoken, and thats the biggest of reasons that i usually weigh my words well on the libra scale before i say them to any one because when i say i have to have meant them!! this style of doing things that has been making me end up not saying how i really feel to the special people in my life because i always think that i am going to hurt, offend or dissapoint them by spilling my feelings to them but i have come to the realisation that i end up dissapointing them by actually not telling them how i really feel about them!!!
so whoever you are,whatever you are please do yourself a favor and stop living in the shadows of your own self. come out of the bubble and let yourself be known for what and who you really are and never let the fear of hurting and getting hurt put you down because this year am telling the ones who matter in my life, how i really feel about them!!